The HVP-5000AFC-Series high volume air samplers are housed in a clear-anodized aluminum outdoor shelter.
The unit incorporates a maintenance-free, 2 or 3 stage centrifugal blower powered by a brushless, variable speed maintenance-free motor. Blower selection is dependent upon individual sampling environment.
The speed of the motor is controlled by a programmable logic controller (PLC) that accepts an input from a mass or volumetric flow sensor mounted in the sample air flow stream.
The PLC detects changes in the operator’s pre-set flow rate (in standard or actual units) due to changes in temperature, barometric pressure and pressure drop due to dust loading on the filter media.
It compensates for these changes by adjusting the motor speed to maintain the pre-set flow rate. The illuminated, graphic LCD displays the operator’s Pre-Set Flow Rate, Instantaneous Flow Rate, Total Volume of Air Sampled, Elapsed Sample Time, Barometric Pressure, Ambient Temperature, Min/Max/Average values of flow rate, Barometric Pressure and Ambient Temperature.
The PLC also allows for programming of custom sample on/ off time settings & pre-set total volume shut off. The HVP-5000AFC-Series samplers are programmed to log the flow rate (in actual and standard conditions), barometric pressure and temperature at user-selectable intervals to a Micro-SD card using user-settable file names directly in .csv format.
The log files can be viewed using any standard spreadsheet software like MS Excel. T
his eliminates the need to carry a laptop to the field or install any custom software for data download.
The Micro-SD card also allows for easy firmware updates without having to remove the controller or the panel.
The HVP-5000AFC-Series samplers include an Auto Flow Calibration feature when used in combination with HI-Q’s D-AFC-Series air flow calibrator.
The 15 point auto-calibration can be accomplished by connecting a cable between the HVP and D-AFC and pressing few buttons on the HVP panel. Manual flow calibration is still an option using any high volume air flow calibrator.
A “Filter Shield” is available as an option to prevent contamination of the filter media by windblown particulate while sampler is not in use.
The “Filter Shield” automatically uncovers or covers the filter paper during sampling and non-sampling periods respectively to prevent fugitive dust from settling on the filter paper.
The Networking and Communication option set-ups include: two (selectable) RS232/RS485 ports, a 4-20 mA and/or 0-10 VDC analog output proportional to flow, the ability to send & receive SMS messages to/from any CDMA/GSM cellular phone for possibly alerting/reporting any pre-defined event via text message, remote or local data acquisition, data logging in MS Excel format, and a custom remote access utility that allows complete control of the unit from a remote location